Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Top 10 Flea and Tick Products

As care taker of your pet, you are also obliged to protect them from the infestation of fleas and ticks. There are more than a thousand identified species of fleas but ironically, only ones is bane to dogs, the chenocephalides or cat fleas. Ticks attach itself to the animals and grow bigger as they continue to suck the host's blood.

Here are top 10 flea and tick products that can eliminate these vermin which is causing misery and pain to your pets.

1. Frontline arsenal of flea and tick control. Frontline plus is topically applied flea and tick control for dogs and cats. It contains two separate active ingredients: the fibronil which kills adult fleas and the (S) methrophene which kills only larvae and eggs. Other products are Frontline Top Spot and Frontline Spray.

2. K-9 Advantix kills 98-100% of fleas on dogs within 12 hours and continues to prevent infestation for at least 4 weeks. Its primary purpose is to kill fleas, ticks and mosquitoes.

3. Advantage flea control is for dogs and for puppies not less than 7 weeks. It is guaranteed to kill 98-100% of fleas within 12 hours. It is applied monthly. Advantage is also used for cats.

4. Capstar is a pill which eliminates fleas from both dogs and cats. It starts killing 98% of fleas within 20-30 minutes after dosage.

5. Progrem Tablets (Lufenuron) are effective dog and cat flea control which hinders the development of flea eggs. It is available in beef flavored oral tablets. Progrem tablets are considered 100% safer and effective in preventing and controlling the flea population. Since, it does not kill adult flea; it must be taken with other preventibles.

6. Preventic Tick Collar kills and detaches ticks from dogs. When the collar is worn, it prevents an onslaught of ticks and this is effective for three months. However, it is not able to kill and control the flea population. It is water-resistance and durable. It is not applicable for cats.

7. Proticall for dogs contains 65% permethrin for fast action in killing ticks, fleas and other insects. It repels ticks from skin surface. It stays effective even after brief water immersion. An inexpensive, safe and easy to apply liquid, Proticall must be applied every 4 weeks.

8. Promeris for cats and dogs is a topical spot-on product which controls existing flea and tick infestation. Its active ingredients attack the nervous system resulting in paralysis and death of these pests.

9. Bio Spot flea and tick collar for cats and kittens. It kills both fleas and ticks, including its eggs and larvae.

10. Other products for flea and tick control are: powder, comb, shampoo, and flea trap
Fast tips in using tick and flea control products: Read the labels carefully; follow directions strictly; keep multiple products separate in dosage and application; consult vet in case of doubt; monitor the effect of the product on your pet; if you notice a negative reaction, stop dosage, or application and give your pet a bath; do not use for kittens and puppies without vet's approval, use gloves when handling the product; and keep product away from children. In all Frontline, K-
9 Advantix and Capstar are wildy used products.

Keep your pets healthy and happy by making use of these top 10 flea and tick products to eliminate these pests.

Sell pet medications and flea control products for dogs and cats.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Scott_F_Moore

Cats and Fleas - What Can You Do?

In loving our cats, pets and other animals, there comes along the fact of unwanted fleas, just like with us humans, children are more prone to head lice, but what do we need to do? There are many different ways you can tackle fleas, many of them are using insecticides and poisons. You can find many different products available from many different sources at varying price ranges and like in many instances, you are faced with a tough decision and which one is the best one to buy or which one is the best product for value for money? However, in treating fleas we need to learn about the flea cycle and how they live, reproduce so that we can effectively manage, control and avoid fleas.

So what do we need to know about fleas. The fleas living on your cat or dog, live by sucking blood from your pet which is the fleas' sole food source. The female flea mates with the male and lays eggs amongst the fur of your cat. Fleas also excrete the digested blood meal which looks like little flecks of black pepper amongst your cat's coat. At times, this can be the only evidence you can see as signs that your cat may have fleas. The eggs laid by the female flea then hatch out as tiny translucent larvae.

The larvae feed on the flea feces as well as the cat's skin scales and other debris. The larvae then spin a sticky cocoon and enter what is a called a pupa stage. This stage can last from a few days to a few months. This pupa stage does not live on your pet, they attach to the cat's surroundings such as carpet, bedding, outside in the garden. Then when the conditions are right, the papae hatch out and become a new adult flea. At this point, they need to find an animal, say your cat, to become their host so to speak so that they can live and feed off the cat's blood. If the newly hatched adult fleas do not find a suitable host within three or four days, it will die and this puts a small break in the cycle. However, to stop all the fleas you need to stop all these individual cycles so no more eggs are laid and kill all the adult fleas.

So how do you treat fleas and cut the cycle? You can buy many insecticides which will kill the adult flea and some will kill the larvae. You can also treat the fleas with what is called a growth regulator and this only works on the fleas and not your cat, to dry up the eggs to prevent the eggs hatching and starting the new cycle. At the moment there is no product which can kill the pupae stage of the cycle. Because of this, we cannot carry out one single treatment to kill all the fleas, larvae, eggs and pupae. We need to continually treat our cats and also their environment. If you don't want to use pesticides and products and looking for a more natural method, you can comb your cat with a special flea comb. However, this will remove the majority of the adult fleas but not all, but does not deal with the other stages in the life cycle. If you have more than one cat or a cat and dog, you must ensure that your treat all the animals and not just the ones that you think may infected. This is because it can be hard to tell if they are infested with fleas in the early stages before they actually are and also the cat which is not affected will be more desirable to be a new host for the new pupae stage when they hatch.

To treat the environment, the cat's home, bedding and surroundings, to make as many breaks as you can in the fleas life cycles, you can room foggers or sprays to treat the carpets, bedding, furniture. It is important to ensure that fleas are dealt with regularly and properly so that they are controlled and eliminated from yours and your cat's surroundings.

Good luck.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tracy_Wallbank

Flea Control - Stay Flea Free For The Summer

If you're in the southern hemisphere, we are starting to come into the summer months. Summer means warm, sunny days which everyone enjoys it. Unfortunately we aren't the only ones who love a good ray of sunshine. Warm days mean that fleas can go through their life cycle quickly, going from egg to adult in less than 14 days. If you are caught unprepared, you can quickly end up with some itchy, unhappy pets and a flea problem that will be hard to get rid of. Here are a few strategies to ensure you stay flea free this summer:

Use Regular Flea Control If you use a flea control product on all the pets in your house every month, you can sit back and relax. Your chances of getting a flea problem are very low. This is especially true if you are using a product that kills adults like Comfortis, Frontline Plus, Advocate or Revolution. If you are using a product that uses an insect growth regulator (IGR), like Sentinel Spectrum, you should be safe, but you need to keep an eye out for adult fleas which could introduce an infestation. If you aren't using anything for flea control, or if you are a bit haphazard, now is the time to correct your misguided ways. Prevention is better than cure!

No trespassers It is very common for a flea infestation to be transmitted by infested animals straying onto your pet's territory. Stray cats and other wildlife can carry heavy burdens of fleas, and will often choose the same resting places as your pet. Eggs from the trespassers' coats will fall into the environment and begin to develop. Two or three weeks later, and the eggs have hatched and could jump onto your pet.

Try to discourage stray or feral animals from coming to your property and sharing space with your pets, and you will have less of a chance of a flea outbreak.

Be vigilant Check your pet for fleas and other parasites daily. Not only will they enjoy the scratch, but you will be able to detect a possible problem before it becomes one. Finding one flea on your pet generally means there is at least six to twenty actually in residence. Now is the time to act! If you aren't using flea control then start with an adulticide like Comfortis, Frontline plus, Advocate or Revolution. If your pet is on an IGR then it may be wise to give it a Capstar tablet for fast knockdown of fleas before they can lay eggs.

Summer is a major danger time for fleas. Get a nasty infestation now and you could be fighting fleas for months. Do yourself and your pet a favour. Make sure you are giving your pet good quality, monthly flea control.

About the author: Simon Heikkila is an Australian veterinarian who wants to help you make the right choices about the best flea control for your pet. For more information see his website about flea control, or read more about comfortis flea pills.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Simon_H.

Advantage Multi Canine & Feline - Don't Buy Until You Read This!

If you are like many dog and cat owners, then you have probably been using separate products to control fleas, parasites, and ear mites instead of a prescription all-in-one solution such as Advantage Multi Canine & Feline.

Advantage Multi contains two powerful active ingredients, Imidacloprid and Moxidectin. Imidacloprid acts against the nervous systems of fleas causing paralysis which leads to death. At the same time, Moxidectin works to control heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) by eliminating the parasites at the larval stage. This prevents the immature forms of heartworm from reaching full maturity and reproducing. Moxidectin offers powerful and effective protection against the dangers of heartworm infection for both dogs and cats.

As Moxidectin works to control heartworm it also kills both canine and feline roundworm and hookworm. In cats, Advantage Multi has the added benefit of controlling the types of ear mite infections that are caused by Otodectes cynotis. In dogs, it is also effective in controlling the whipworm parasite. The powerful active ingredients in Advantage Multi are able to control the most common canine and feline infestations.

Advantage Multi is a prescription flea and heartworm protection that is easy to apply. The topical medication is not meant to be given orally and should be applied once per month on non-irritated skin. Each application is long lasting and ensures that you won't have to bother with daily or weekly applications. Also, because it is topical instead of oral, you won't have to worry about struggling to trick your dog or cat into eating something that he or she does not want. As with any prescription medication, always defer to your veterinarian's dosage instructions.

Advantage Multi is available in many varieties depending on the size of your pet and whether he or she is a dog or a cat. Each package is color coded for easy identification. For cats, it is available in two varieties. The orange package is for cats weighing 6 to 9 pounds. The purple package is intended for cats weighing 10 to 18 pounds. Both packages include six separate doses for your cat. The version for dogs is available in four varieties. The green package is for dogs weighing 3 to 9 pounds, teal for dogs 10-20 pounds, the red dogs 21-55 pounds, and blue for dogs 56-88 pounds. As with the feline version, the packages for dogs contain six separate doses.

Advantage Multi is a powerful and easy to use solution for a wide variety of the most common parasites found in cats and dogs, and it is a great option for anyone looking to simplify their regular pet maintenance routine.

Misha Pennington is co-founder of Dog Buffs, the online pet health supplement store. Since 2006, Dog Buffs has been helping pet owners choose the best pet supplements to support and enhance their pet's well being. For more information about Advantage Multi for dogs, or Advantage Multi for cats check out Misha's flea and heartworm meds pages on Dog Buffs.
Article Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Misha_Pennington

Frontline Spray - Prevention For Fleas, Ticks and Parasite

The most common worms seen in pets are roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms. As we all know most of the puppies and kittens are born with intestinal parasites. Fleas can also bring intestinal parasite to your pets that is why a frontline spray can be a preventive measure in this problem.

Vet always recommend to treat the newborn puppies and kittens, with an effective broad spectrum dewormer such as pyrantel pamoate or fenbendazole, starting at a few weeks of age, and a frontline spray for fleas.

Fleas frequently carry tapeworms, which can infect dog and cats intestines when they groom themselves and swallow a flea. Examples of preventive medication are frontline spray, frontline plus, revolution, promeris and many other.

For heartworm prevention, you can administer monthly with Heartguard Plus, Iverhart Max, interceptor or revolution. These also prevents roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms.

It is important to check your pets feces for evidence of worms. Tapeworms segments can be seen in or around the feces. You can also check by lifting your pets tail and looking around their anus or the fur under the tail. You may occasionally see your pet passing roundworms in the feces or they may vomit roundworms if they are infected with them. You can treat tapeworms with Drontal Plus. Juts be reminded that in this medication you must consult the vet before administering it.

A products such as Pyrantel pamoate or fenbendazole, are also effective in treating this worms, such as tapeworms.

It is recommended to go to the veterinarian regularly to check your pets feces. Your pets veterinarian will examine the feces for worm eggs and other parasites which are much too small to be seen without the aid of a microscope. Once, there is a intestinal parasite in the feces of your pets, a proper medication can be chosen to eradicate this parasites from the system of your pets. And sometimes vet could also recommend frontline spray for fleas.

Just make sure that the stool sample that you take to your vet is a fresh as possible. Frontline spray and heartworm treatments already contain a dewormer, so adding such a treatment to your pets monthly health regimen might help fight off an infection or prevent future flare-ups.
If your pets having an intestinal parasites some of the physical symptoms includes, persistent diarrhea, blurred vision, bloating, stomach cramps or cramps when making bowel movement and unexplained skin rashes and a frontline spray could handle this.

Frontline Spray is stored in oil glands under the pets skin. Throughout the month, the product remains on the pets skin and hair, delivered through the hair follicles.
A frontline spray is effective in controlling fleas and ticks for one month. However, it is best to wait a couple days after applying the product before bathing your pet or allowing it to go swimming. The Frontline Spray Treatment provides the same month-long protection against fleas and ticks.

Frontline Spray should be applied over the pets entire body, with care taken not to get the product in the pets eyes.

Sandy Scott is a webmaster that optimize Ivet.co.uk. IVET consists of a team of dedicated professionals including a pharmacist, a pharmacologist, and two veterinary surgeons who oversee sales and provide the free, practical advice for your pets such Pet Wormers, frontline spray, and Drontal plus in the form of numerous on line information sheets.
Article Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Sandy_Scott

Comfortis - Flea Control and Treatment Medication

People all over the world say it is a comforting experience when they show affection towards their pet. Many studies conducted have proved this to be true. But, surely, you would agree that it is a bit difficult to bring ourselves to tolerate seeing our pet scratching his fur all the time because of the itchiness brought about by fleas. It is an extremely uncomfortable sight for you, and more so, for your pet.
Because of man's love for pets, science has paved the way for the manufacture of flea-control products. There are many varieties available such as topical solutions and ointments, flea tablets, and even flea bombs.
According to popular belief, these products work more effectively when used in combination. As an example, when a dog prefers to play in wet areas like the pool or the beach, topical products may not render its effectiveness because the drug it contains can be washed away. In this case, your dog will need to be administered with an oral drug. Another example would be the use of flea bombs. Now these types of products are indeed effective, but only to a certain extent. Flea bombs work by killing fleas found in the house only, but as soon as your dog or cat steps outside, he will no longer be protected. In these cases, ointments can be of great help.

A breakthrough in flea control and treatment would be a drug called Comfortis, a product of Eli Lilly and Co. This is a chewable pill, the first of its kind, and interestingly enough, it tastes like beef. This drug has been given the green light by the US FDA.

So you might want to ask, why use Comfortis? Here are the reasons:

1. It tastes great. No, we have not tried it, but our dogs certainly love it. You do not need to force your dog to eat it- you simply mix it with his beef-flavored meal.
2. It is safe. In fact, puppies fourteen weeks and older can already take it. Take note however that this has not been cleared for kitty use yet. Moreover, it has been considered a 'reduced-risk pesticide' which means that though it is extremely toxic to the little critters, it is safe for your dog.
3. It is convenient. No need for you to keep your dog isolated during treatment. You can play with him even after medication has been given.
4. It is long lasting. Comfortis' efficacy lasts for 30 days, unlike other flea pills which can work only for a few days. About half an hour after this pill has been ingested, it will immediately take action on killing fleas that are feeding on your pet's blood. Studies show that because of its ingredient called Spinosad, it can kill 100% of fleas that are living in a dog's fur.
Veterinarians recommend this drug for dogs having skin problems or sensitivities because it does not cause any allergic reactions. Though like any other flea control product, Comfortis is not a stand-alone solution, however, experts agree that this is without doubt the most recommended pill to treat your dog's flea problem.
Visit PetMedsReviews.Com for more pet meds reviews.Read our Frontline Plus for dogs review.
Article Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Cristian_Stan