Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Advantage Multi Canine & Feline - Don't Buy Until You Read This!

If you are like many dog and cat owners, then you have probably been using separate products to control fleas, parasites, and ear mites instead of a prescription all-in-one solution such as Advantage Multi Canine & Feline.

Advantage Multi contains two powerful active ingredients, Imidacloprid and Moxidectin. Imidacloprid acts against the nervous systems of fleas causing paralysis which leads to death. At the same time, Moxidectin works to control heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) by eliminating the parasites at the larval stage. This prevents the immature forms of heartworm from reaching full maturity and reproducing. Moxidectin offers powerful and effective protection against the dangers of heartworm infection for both dogs and cats.

As Moxidectin works to control heartworm it also kills both canine and feline roundworm and hookworm. In cats, Advantage Multi has the added benefit of controlling the types of ear mite infections that are caused by Otodectes cynotis. In dogs, it is also effective in controlling the whipworm parasite. The powerful active ingredients in Advantage Multi are able to control the most common canine and feline infestations.

Advantage Multi is a prescription flea and heartworm protection that is easy to apply. The topical medication is not meant to be given orally and should be applied once per month on non-irritated skin. Each application is long lasting and ensures that you won't have to bother with daily or weekly applications. Also, because it is topical instead of oral, you won't have to worry about struggling to trick your dog or cat into eating something that he or she does not want. As with any prescription medication, always defer to your veterinarian's dosage instructions.

Advantage Multi is available in many varieties depending on the size of your pet and whether he or she is a dog or a cat. Each package is color coded for easy identification. For cats, it is available in two varieties. The orange package is for cats weighing 6 to 9 pounds. The purple package is intended for cats weighing 10 to 18 pounds. Both packages include six separate doses for your cat. The version for dogs is available in four varieties. The green package is for dogs weighing 3 to 9 pounds, teal for dogs 10-20 pounds, the red dogs 21-55 pounds, and blue for dogs 56-88 pounds. As with the feline version, the packages for dogs contain six separate doses.

Advantage Multi is a powerful and easy to use solution for a wide variety of the most common parasites found in cats and dogs, and it is a great option for anyone looking to simplify their regular pet maintenance routine.

Misha Pennington is co-founder of Dog Buffs, the online pet health supplement store. Since 2006, Dog Buffs has been helping pet owners choose the best pet supplements to support and enhance their pet's well being. For more information about Advantage Multi for dogs, or Advantage Multi for cats check out Misha's flea and heartworm meds pages on Dog Buffs.
Article Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Misha_Pennington

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